The sky awaits

The K39 embodies the tradition of the “Silhouette”, a car that marked an era in the world of Motorsport. Kimera rediscovers this myth with a new perspective, ready to leave a mark.
Cit. Walter Röhrl

The design of the K39 required obsessive attention to aerodynamics. Every component, from the carbon fiber monocoque chassis to the bodywork, was studied to maximize efficiency and performance.
“The road is not very wide and there are no escape routes… I’ve really never driven anything that accelerates so powerfully… The first time you drive it, every gear change leaves you almost breathless. Every gear change is a brutal acceleration, it takes a while to get used to it and anticipate the blow. Then you get used to it, but at the beginning it’s quite disorienting.”
Cit. Sebastien Loeb

The climb to the top of Pikes Peak will be the ultimate test for the K39. When this challenge is overcome, you will know that Kimera has achieved something extraordinary, turning a dream into reality.