
Kimera’s third act is a race car that brings back the original world of its founder, all the people who are the soul of this brand, and all the cars that inspired it: the road racing world, the Motorsport world. The K39, in numerical sequence to the cars that preceded it, is a re-imagining of the legendary “Silhouette” of the Martini Racing team that dominated the World Sportscar Championship in the late ’70s and early ’80s.

In 2025, the K39 will embark on its race to the clouds, making itself heard all the way up the climb. And when the turns end and the summit, surrounded by the sky, appears, time will be stopped. At that moment, you will know: Kimera is much more than a daydream.
“Race cars are neither beautiful nor ugly. They become beautiful when they win.”
Cit. Enzo Ferrari

The K39 draws its origins from the cars that preceded it, the EVO37 and the EVO38, retaining the soul and spirit of Kimera. However, this car has a more ambitious goal, a well-defined task that justifies its sinuous and aggressive shapes and high aerodynamics that will allow the K39 to face the challenge it is called to: Pikes Peak.
“I couldn’t find the sports car of my dreams, so I built it myself.”
Cit. Ferdinand Porsche